Networking Infrastructure

Keeping you connected

All businesses need the right technology to help them increase productivity and gain efficiency. Whether you need to improve the performance of your existing infrastructure or if you need to replace and implement new equipment to help you grow to the next level, RMT Technology can help you with advice and solutions you can trust.


At the heart of any IT system is connectivity, and the faster and more secure the better. Having taken the time to fully understand your business requirements, we’ll design and source the best available internet and telephone lines, configuring phone systems, cabling offices and patching in servers and switches as required. You’ll benefit from a single supplier managing all of your internet and telecommunications needs.

Network security

Providing security against external attacks such as spam, viruses and spyware keeps your business safe. We have partnered up with leading security providers to enable you to protect your workstations and servers. Combine this with our server monitoring service and regular updates and patches to your network and we can put in place for you a strategy that is as effective as it can be.

Remote Working & authentication

While remote working and accessing central systems from home are on the rise, controlling that access is a real challenge facing SMEs. As the telecommunication infrastructure becomes more able to provide the performance home workers require and it no longer becomes an obstacle, the next challenge is how to verify the user attempting to gain access is legitimate and not a hacker.

RMT Technology can provide authentication solutions to help protect your business from unauthorised access. PIN codes and multi-factor authentication solutions are easy to implement, cost effective when compared with token based systems and provide complete peace of mind.


Our key focus is outstanding client service. We are always on the look out for high quality team members in the following areas…

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