Cyber GDPR

Protecting you and your business

With daily indiscriminate as well as targeted cyber threats from attackers, and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws implemented from 25 May 2018, the need to protect data has never been higher. The impact of a data loss incident in terms of financial, legal and reputational harm can be the undoing of your business. Our experience shows a strategic approach to securing all areas of the business through a co-ordinated selection of organisational and technical solutions ensures complete protection.

Helping you on your road to compliance

RMT Technology can assist you on your journey to compliance with a step by step approach.
Step 1 for many businesses is achieving certification to the governments Cyber Essentials scheme, which has been designed to keep small businesses safe from approximately 80% of the typical internet threats. Our CE specialists will help you through the process of assessment and certification.

Step 2 is to address the specific needs of the General Data Protection Regulation itself and our GDPR practitioner can help you through the myriad of technical and organizational controls which are required. With access to toolkits, template policy sets and staff training material, you can accelerate your time to compliance.

The final step is for businesses wanting to go further and achieve ISO accreditation. Consultants will get you ready for independent certification.

We also offer introductions to specialist legal advice and Cyber Insurance providers who may be able to provide you with insurance against the impact of Cyber attacks, as well as helping you through managing the process of communicating the incident of an attack with staff, customers, suppliers and the media.


Our key focus is outstanding client service. We are always on the look out for high quality team members in the following areas…

If you would like to be part of a progressive, growing practice please upload your CV here.

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