Private sector “angels” watch over funding

May 23, 2011

SOME of the region’s leading venture capital, corporate finance and legal professionals will be giving a briefing about venture capital funding tomorrow.

As the public sector continues to contract, private sector “angels” are becoming a key focus for small firms wanting backers and larger projects needing major capital investment. Representatives from private equity firm Rivers Capital, accountants and business advisors RMT and law firm Ward Hadaway will join forces for an in-depth seminar designed to give entrepreneurs the lowdown on the subject.

Rivers Capital is currently managing the North East Angel Fund, which looks to invest in smaller, entrepreneurial businesses with sums between £50,000 and £150,000 and is part of the £125m Finance for Business North East Fund.

Jonathan Gold, from Rivers Capital, said: “Venture capital funding can be the perfect fit for ambitious companies looking to grow their businesses and access the experience and expertise of seasoned investors at the same time.

“Businesses in the North-east are showing an increasing appetite to look at newer forms of funding apart from traditional routes such as debt or bank lending and we hope this latest seminar will help to encourage more applications to the North East Angel Fund.”

The event, which takes place at the offices of RMT in Newcastle, is the latest in a series of seminars organised by Rivers Capital on the Angel Fund. Over 40 companies have already attended previous seminars held over the past 10 months and a number of funding deals are nearing completion as a result of the events.

Natalia Blagburn from Rivers Capital said: “These seminars aim to take the mystery out of venture capital funding and to give start-up businesses and entrepreneurs advice which they can really use for their enterprises.”

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